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Registration of computer software in Russia (the Russian Federation)

Dear customers, we are happy to welcome you on the website of the legal services group of companies “RosIntellectService” taking the leading positions in the Russian market of patent services and related services in the protection of intellectual property rights. We invite you to get familiar with our company’s information.


To ensure complex and effective protection of computer software on the territory of the Russian Federation as well as databases, the state registration of the programming software is required by submitting the information to the State Register of Computer Programs and Databases, and obtaining a protection certificate. Besides registration of the software itself, registration of trademark is equally important in order for it to be provided with corresponding legal protection. This enable the owner to prevent unfavorable consequences in the occasion of counterfeit and illegal actions of the unfair competitors.

You may familiarize yourself with information on the trademark’s registration by clicking trademark registration in Russia.


Expenses for the registration of computer software in Russia  

Services Official fees Attorney fees
Preparation and filing of application for the registration $ 60 $ 400
Obtaining and forwarding registration certificate $ 0 $ 50

The procedure of computer software registration in Russia:

  • Filing application for the registration of computer software in Russia. The application expertise by the Patent authority takes up to three months;
  • Computer software registration in Russia.

After favorable decision by the Patent authority has been reached, the information about the registered computer software is introduced into the State register of computer software and databases. The rights’ owner receives corresponding protective certificate.

What is needed for the registration of computer software in the Russian Federation?

  • The name of the registered computer software program or database;
  • The date of creation of the computer software program being registered;
  • The place and the date of the first issue of the computer software program or database being registered;
  • Author(-s) full name and patronymic. The day, month and year of birth;
  • The place of residence, including the country, telephone number;
  • Short description of the author’s deposit to the computer software program or database being registered;
  • To mention/not to mention in the publication as the author;
  • Deposited materials identifying the computer software program or the database, inclusive abridgement (what is published in the Bulletin, short informative extraction from the other matter);
  • POA for attorney.

The services which may be of interest to you:

  • Preliminary search (trademarks, inventions, industrial design);
  • Active protection of the trademark in the Federal customs service of Russian Federation (Customs register of trademarks in Russian Federation – tracking, confiscation and destruction of the counterfeiting merchandise);
  • Registration of the trademark in Russia;
  • Registration of the license agreements in Russia;
  • Registration of sale/purchase of the trademark in Russia;
  • Patenting of inventions in Russia;
  • Patenting of industrial design in Russia.

Example of the document:

Registration of computer software in Russia